At the fair except for light commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tons GAZ Gazelle NEXT in furgon version or flatbed version could be seen also medium-duty trucks Gazon NEXT and off-road truck URAL NEXT. GAZ Group is one of the pioneers of alternative power in the Russian Federation, therefore there were demonstrations of vehicles running on compressed natural gas (CNG). An interesting novelty was a 16 seater bus made on the basis of Gazelle NEXT, which offer enough space to sit despite its compact dimensions. [Gallery-IQYOQPYB] The good news is that GAZ has been leaving less power output of 88.3 kW propulsion units and replaces them by the 110 kW units. EVOTECH petrol engines and Cummins Diesel 110 kW will be installed in a standard vehicles Business Gazelle and Sobol Business. So much expected increasing of engine power is here and for the full range Gazelle. Pleasant change will be also an option to install an integrated touch screen navigation system in GAZ vehicles.